Saturday, July 25, 2020

UGA on the Road - UGA Undergraduate Admissions

UGA on the Road - UGA Undergraduate Admissions UGA on the Road I had a chance to speak with a group of Athens students and parents last night, talking mostly about the college admissions process, but also a little about UGA. In some ways, these students are a little luckier than others, as UGA is right around the corner, and they are able to visit our campus at almost any time they are free. For most students, it takes a little more planning (or sometimes a great deal more) to visit the college of their choice. That is why, from September to November, admissions counselors from all around the nation begin their travel season, visiting high schools and attending college fairs. Sometimes, I think it should almost be a show on National Geographic, with the camera crew following the migratory trek of the admissions officer, venturing out from its home on an eight week journey, only to return again to its natural habitat, exhausted, a little brain-dead, and happy its journey is complete. For those wanting to follow the travels of our counselors this fall, we have the Meet UGA Near You web site ( updated weekly) with a database listing of our offices travels. Even if UGA is going to be visiting your high school or attending a college fair in your area, we still heavily suggest that you visit our campus. I hope everyones summer is finishing up well, and good luck with the start of school in the next few weeks! UGA on the Road - UGA Undergraduate Admissions UGA on the Road Fall travel has begun! It’s the time of year when admissions counselors leave their offices and head out for college fairs, college nights, high school visits, counselor programs and other recruitment events. This means you’ll be seeing a lot of UGA people on the road this fall. To find out if a representative is going to be in your area, be sure to check our Meet UGA Near You page for a full list of events, fairs, visits, etc. that we will be attending. This page is updated daily as travel plans continue to be made. Georgia students, if you are attending a PROBE fair, be sure to register online ahead of time! When you register online, you will be able to print out a bar code to take with you to the fair. College representatives will be able to simply scan your bar code to capture your information. This will prevent you from having to fill out a different information card for each college you speak to. While youre looking through travel schedules, consider looking up who the admissions counselor is for your school and sending a quick a message. Whether its just to say hello or to suggest places we visit while in your area, we love to hear from prospective students! Go Dawgs! UGA on the Road - UGA Undergraduate Admissions UGA on the Road The end of August means one thing in the world of college admissions: The start of Fall travel! Every fall, droves of college admissions counselors depart from their campuses like flocks of migrating birds, heading out to college fairs, college nights, high school visits, counselor programs, and recruitment events, only to return to their college nest in late October/mid November. Some will be out for two to three weeks, while others (not UGA) will be on the road for 10+ weeks. What does this mean for prospective students and parents? You will be seeing a lot of UGA people on the road this fall. And to track where we are, go to the UGA On The Road page for more travel details.This page will be updated weekly to show any new programs or visits our admission team will be attending. Now, here is my request for all prospective students and parents. When admissions officers are on the road, many times they are dashing from program to program, and are not always able to learn about the wonderful and unique restaurants, hotels and/or events in your community. Many times, it is easier to stop by a Subway shop on your way from High School A to High School B, and they miss the places that make your hometown great. So if you see that UGA will be visiting your area, go to the UGA Counselor Page and send the counselor assigned to your area a quick email letting them know about the hometown places they may want to visit when they are in your area. If you still are not sure who will be visiting your area (there is some overlap of travel territories), you can send an email to the most likely person and they can forward it on to the correct counselor if it is not them. In addition, this is a great way to break the ice when communicating with a college admissions counselor. Instead of just asking about a specific major, the football team or the weather, you can now have a reason to contact the counselor, and you will be giving them insight into your community.